Saturday, March 11, 2006

Blogs I Read

People ask me all the time what blogs I read. Actually, the most common question is how I have time to read the blogs I read. That one's a little tougher. But in conversation, I can never remember all of them (thank goodness for bookmarks!), so I'm going to list them here.

First of all, the can't do without, gotta read 'em every day blogs, often called the "A-Listers". Mainly, Kos and Think Progress are absolutely indispensible, along with AmericaBlog and Informed Comment. I read them twice a day, morning and afternoon. Similar blogs I like to also check throughout the day include Atrios, Talking Points Memo, Crooks and Liars, The Liberal Avenger, Billmon's Whiskey Bar and Huffington Post.

I also read a number of B-List (or lower) political blogs like Mykeru, my favorite for pure unadulturated attitude, Firedoglake, Nitpicker and Steve Clemons.

Some blogs are political, but extremely funny. The leader in this category has got to be Fafblog, but I also get a lot of laughs from World 'O Crap, Sadly, No and TBogg as they plumb the depths of online wingnuttery and bring back the gems for the amusment of all.

For a more serious view of America's new Militarism, particularly the Iraqi Debacle, I go first to Baghdad Burning for a view of life on the ground in Iraq, and also to the always poignant Main and Central. For a broader viewpoint I count on and al Jazeera. They may not always get it right either, but it's important to get all the viewpoints.

If you've read my work, you know that the other area I am interested and active in is the topics around science, evolution, religion and atheism. Those of us who have devoted ourselves to a rational worldview have to suffer more outright hatred than most any other group. But some of the smartest people(and best writers, for that matter) are active in this community. People like Brent Rassmussen, Ed Brayton, and everybody's favorite biologist, PZ Myers. So where does an atheist blogger go when he or she needs a good laugh? Why, Normal Bob Smith, of course.

There's lots more, of course, from BoingBoing to Cosmic Variance, but this is really my "Must Read" list for any given day. So, what do you think? Am I missing anything? Let me know in comments....


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